``The Stainless Steel Lemm''

Loss of Lemmings: Zero

This level looks easy at first, but there is a twist - we will be using bombers to get through some ropes, and it is very easy to kill the odd Lemming by mistake in the process (and not notice - I got ``silver'' on my first two attempts having thought I'd lost none!)

Jump the first Lemming to emerge to give it a he<ad start, then make it Rope across the gap to a little over half way up the top steel block (the height is fairly critical - too high and the horde escapes, too low and the jumps won't work). Jump a Lemming from about two thirds of the way up this rope onto the column at the right, and make it a Slider. Immediately go and Jump another one out - make this one Rope the gap to the right down which the slider has just disappeared. You'll see later why. When the slider reaches the bottom, Balloon it up the shaft below the first rope, and Fan it into the lower of the two platforms below the horde. Let it reflect, then Rope from the top of the little slope at the end of the platform to halfway up the steel block on the right which is level with the platform above. Let it reflect again, then Bomb just to the left of the bottom of the rope it just made, to put a small gap in it. Now Bomb just left of the bottom of the original rope - make sure you still have 59 Lemmings!